About us
Sling True’s mission is to empower through play. We do this by making high performance trick rings for both kids and adults. We offer safe rings that are also the most trickable in history. We also accomplish our mission by teaching the game in a way that can unlock it’s wisdom.
If successful, we hope to shine the best of the game out into the world and increase it’s knowledge base for future generations.
Thanks for checking out Sling True. I hope you benefit from the rings we offer and instructions found here!
by Kurt Alford
Sling True Founding Member
Kurt Testing a Prototype Sport Ring at Crater Lake National Park, OR
Welcome to Sling True
I care about your experience playing this game and want to give you the head start I didn’t have. I’d like to encourage you to contribute to this new and growing community of players. Sign up for the newsletter below to be notified of upcoming site expansions and community updates.
My story leading up to Sling True can be found here - A Ring Story